Parent, Family and Couple Education Services
"Breaking the chains of the past and building hope for the future." PFaces is a Parent, Family and Couple Education Services based in Dayton, Ohio and operated my a husband and wife team. Their service include:
Preschool Promise
Children's success starts in Preschool: Helping families. Improving Preschools. Strengthening our community.
Be Present
Be Present provides easy-to-use resources that can help youth cope better with life’s stressors — day-to-day or in a crisis — and then take the steps to share with and support others. The idea is to maintain your own mental wellness, and also to help you feel prepared to step in and make a difference when you see friends and peers who are struggling. Also included is information about positive (prevention) programs — and even places you can go for help when things seem too big to handle.
Teen Parents Learn
Teen Parents Learn: This new program launched in Montgomery County in July 2017, and is a collaboration among Catholic Social Services, Lifestages Centers for Women, the Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation, LifeSkills High School, and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center. The program is designed to provide pregnant and parenting teens (with children from birth to age 5) with case management and the support they need to remain in high school during pregnancy, return to school after the birth of their baby, and graduate from high school while parenting. Each client’s individual needs will be addressed to help them manage their responsibilities, strengthen their parenting abilities, and focus on their own educational success. Program services are offered at no cost to the participants. For more information about Teen Parents Learn, or to make a referral to the program, call (937) 299-5465.
Parent Link: The care of a child can often be confusing and difficult. If you are struggling to manage your new life as a parent or parent-to-be, ParentLink professionals are available to help you learn about local resources available to support you and your child.
Free and Available to Young Moms and Young Dads (Montgomery County residents)
Our goal is to provide education and support to help pregnant and parenting young people gain confidence and understanding. The ParentLink program is home-based and provides opportunities for young parents to meet and share the commitment of being a loving and caring parent. If you are a young person expecting a child or if you are a parent of a child under three years old, you are encouraged to participate in this free program. Click here to read more.
Free and Available to Young Moms and Young Dads (Montgomery County residents)
Our goal is to provide education and support to help pregnant and parenting young people gain confidence and understanding. The ParentLink program is home-based and provides opportunities for young parents to meet and share the commitment of being a loving and caring parent. If you are a young person expecting a child or if you are a parent of a child under three years old, you are encouraged to participate in this free program. Click here to read more.
Early childhood Social & Emotional Development Consultation
Early Childhood Social and Emotional Development Consultation: What is Early Childhood Social and Emotional Development Consultation? Early Childhood Social and Emotional Development Consultation (ECSEDC) is a service to childcare providers of children ages birth through 5 years. The services help to promote healthy social and emotional development and address behavioral health needs to increase children’s readiness for school and later school success. Click to learn more.
Erma's House Family Visitation Center
Erma’s House is a comfortable, homelike atmosphere that provides a safe, structured, neutral alternative to unsupervised visits. The Family Visitation Center offers a warm, friendly atmosphere where children of any age may visit with their non-custodial parents. Erma’s House was created to assist families that have difficulty interacting in a nonthreatening, appropriate manner. Erma’s House is structured to provide safety to everyone using the Center. Parents must abide by the policies outlined in the House Rules. The need for supervised visitation may be due to issues related to divorce or separation, protection/restraining orders between parties, threats, child abuse or neglect issues, safety concerns or other visitation issues where a neutral setting would increase a family’s level of comfort or safety.
Childcare & Preschool
4C for Children has great resources for parents and caregivers. Parents can also contact 4C for Children with questions about preschool and child care.
Miami Valley Child Development Centers(MVCDC) operates the Head Start program which provides quality preschool and child care for income-eligible children ages birth through age five. Call 937.226.5664 for more information or visit the website
Step Up To Quality is the state’s voluntary star-rating program for child care and preschool. All programs licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services are eligible to apply for a Star Rating. Programs must meet quality benchmarks above and beyond basic licensing to earn a Star Rating.
Miami Valley Child Development Centers(MVCDC) operates the Head Start program which provides quality preschool and child care for income-eligible children ages birth through age five. Call 937.226.5664 for more information or visit the website
Step Up To Quality is the state’s voluntary star-rating program for child care and preschool. All programs licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services are eligible to apply for a Star Rating. Programs must meet quality benchmarks above and beyond basic licensing to earn a Star Rating.
Child Screening
Goodwill-Easter Seals Miami Valley offers free child screening for children ages zero to five years. This is a great resource if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s development. Call Betsy Krise at 937.903.3099 or Janet Ritchie at 937.789.9357 to schedule a screening.
Help Me Grow is available to serve families with qualifying children from prenatally to age three. If you have concerns about your child’s development call 937-208-GROW (4769) for a free consultation.
Center for Disease Control – Early Intervention Help has great resources to help you understand if your child is developing appropriately. There are lists of milestones and suggestions if you have concerns.
Help Me Grow is available to serve families with qualifying children from prenatally to age three. If you have concerns about your child’s development call 937-208-GROW (4769) for a free consultation.
Center for Disease Control – Early Intervention Help has great resources to help you understand if your child is developing appropriately. There are lists of milestones and suggestions if you have concerns.