Family Engagement System Self-Evaluation
The FESSE is a great tool to assess how a school, organization and/or association is doing when it comes to family engagement. Family engagement plays an important role when it comes to children. Parents and/or family member have the greatest impact on child development. The FESSE is a governing document on what a school, organization, and/or association should be doing in order to maximize their family engagement. This document can also be used to show the areas that need improvement and to also help a school, organization and/or association determine what specific principles and strategies should be a priority
When you open this document, you will be met with four pillars. Within these pillars are things a school, organization, and/or association should be doing in order to engage families. Pillar 1 is relationships with families, pillar 2 is meeting the needs of families and children, pillar 3 is establish inclusive communication and pillar 4 is embrace cultural connections. Within these pillars, the FESSE provides subpoints that would meet the ideas in the pillar. To examine a school, organization and/or association, simply look over these subpoints and decide if they are being met. This document gives an area where you can write specific examples of what your institute is doing to meet the subpoints. If your institute is not meeting one of these points, the FESSE will make this clear. These are then the points that should be improved. The school, organization, and/or association should be examining themselves using the FESSE to determine if they are meeting all four pillars. Since the FESSE is available to parents and/or family members as well, parents and/or family member should feel free to determine if they feel like the items in the FESSE are being met. If you, as a parent and/or family member, feel like there is a gap in what the school, organization and/or association is determining in the FESSE and what you feel, you should bring it up to the school, organization, and/or association and come up with a solution.